An unproductive workforce can harm your bottom line. That’s the long and short of it.  This is why you need to improve user experience.

In detail, employee un-productivity affects overall organizational morale, particularly after poor performance and missed deadlines followed by poor customer reviews, loss of clients, failure to land clients, and so on. 

One aspect of your business operation that you may not readily pinpoint as a contributing factor to your productivity issues is password use and management: employees having to juggle multiple passwords to meet data security requirements. In a faster-paced work environment, where employees juggle tasks, the additional demand of managing multiple passwords can take a toll—first on the employees; then on your IT helpdesk, who must execute password resets for employees who forget theirs; then on your operational budget. 

Employees’ password fatigue and productivity dip

That feeling experienced by many people of being overwhelmed by the number of passwords they must remember in order to go through their day is called password fatigue. Outside of the office, employees have yet another handful of passwords, as well as PINS, to memorize for non-work stuff like personal ATM PINS, social media login passwords, and passwords for other online accounts. No matter how some may try to compartmentalize these aspects of their daily routine, frustrations do eventually set in, and things can only go downhill from there.

Take for example an employee who comes in to work already frustrated from, say, having failed earlier to access his online banking account because he couldn’t remember his password, and then subsequently couldn’t recall where he had written it down. When he logs in to his work computer, he messes up all three allowed attempts and calls IT helpdesk to request a password reset. 

Employee spends an average of 12 minutes each week typing and resetting passwords, a study by security firm Yubico indicates. That’s 48 unproductive minutes each month. In a company of 50 employees, that’s 2,400 minutes, or 40 hours. But password-fatigued employees might be too tired to care.

Taking frustration (passwords) out of the equation 

If the same employee were to log in to his work computer using his fingerprint or a security key. Or both (both methods of passwordless authentication), his password mishap would no longer be an issue. He would soon be caught up in pressing deadlines or e-mails needing his response. Instead of spending his time resetting his password. If he doesn’t have to wait awhile for IT helpdesk to process his request. That’s idle time avoided and work getting done. 

The easier it is for employees to get their workday started and the less hassle they are faced with when accessing internal accounts, folders, servers, etc. The better their workflow gets, turning them from distracted and password-fatigued to focused and highly efficient.

Another aspect of user experience that benefits from passwordless authentication is data security. Passwordless authentication is designed to render threats to passwords moot. As well as to reinforce overall security with the following features:   

  • Multilayered risk analysis that evaluates device, geolocation, IP address reputation, phone number reputation, and user behavior
  • Strong multifactor authentication methods
  • Biometrics and hardware authentication keys 

All these add up to employee productivity that is sustained by the absence of security-related interruptions. And it’s all downhill from there, in the positive sense of the word, to a healthier bottom line.

Improve User Experience via TraitWare passwordless authentication  

Your employee productivity issues just got easier to resolve. Get in touch with TraitWare to explore passwordless authentication options for your business.