Most of you who read these articles are the techie/nerdie/geekie types. I am the guy who sits across the table from you, and to be perfectly honest, I really don’t understand much of what you are saying. That being said, I am very concerned, interested and focused on the bottom line. If there is an opportunity to improve the efficiency, productivity and profit of my business, I am all ears. Lets talk about password support spend.
With a few simple installation steps, the TraitWare patented, award-winning technology provides all those pluses. Forrester Research estimated that each Help Desk call costs around $70, not including user downtime, and that 50% of help desk calls were password resets. I bet even this number is woefully low. Consider the salary of the Help Desk employee, plus 30% for taxes and benefits, the salary of the employee plus benefits, who is unproductive drinking the free company coffee while waiting to get up and running again, the overhead (bricks, motar, utilities, etc.), and the irritated clients who are not being served. You do the math for your own organization. We are talking real dollars.
Reducing password support spend
TraitWare advertises that your Help Desk costs will be reduced by at least 60%. As an example, a midsized client with 300 employees implemented the TraitWare solution 8 month ago. Prior to this they were averaging 25 Help Desk requests per month, or 300 per year. Eight months into the program, they have had 3 Help Desk requests. That’s right, I said 3, and 2 of them were for lost phones. Not only does this system work flawlessly, you have literally eliminated a full time employee. It sounds like a better than 60% Help Desk cost reduction to me.
Business bottom line
While you might not be as focused on the bottom line as I, you are part of a team whose job it is to maintain the health and vitality of the company. Let me share a story with you.
Years ago, a junior associate of mine, working in the company banking division, was hired by a major grocery company. He had been involved in cutting edge money management technology with our company. Within a year, his boss was fired and he had been promoted several times. The chairman of the company actually told him it was becoming embarrassing. That was because his cash management programs generated an additional $22 million to the company’s bottom line.
The moral of the story is that a business and its employees should always be trying to improve. Those with the vision and guts to promote new and innovative solutions get the gold star, increased salary, promotions and bonuses. The others are looking for a new job.
TraitWare is a simple, easy to install password replacement solution that is cost beneficial and works. DUH, IT’S THE ECONOMICS.