Google to Replace SMS with QR Codes for Gmail Authentication
A Step Forward Google recently announced it will move from SMS to QR code-based authentication for Gmail accounts. This marks an important shift for cybersecurity, and further validation that companies and individuals are going to have to get beyond Traditional or Weaker security. But is this the best we can do? A Step Toward Stronger […]

How to Phish-Proof Your Login
Across the Enterprise You’ve heard it before: Phishing is the #1 method used by cybercriminals to gain access to your digital valuables. Today, according to CSO Online, 80% of reported security incidents are caused by Phishing. We’ve also heard from CISA and others that MFA is the holy grail for cybersecurity. But then last week, […]

When Cybersecurity Gets Personal
I was a Victim of the Change Healthcare Breach -By Herbert Spencer – TraitWare Sometimes it’s frustrating being an innovator in cybersecurity. A few days ago, I received a letter from Change Healthcare, notifying me that my personal information had likely been compromised in a recent data breach – the one that affected millions of […]

Secure by Design
TraitWare Signs the Secure by Design Pledge, Joining in CISA’s Quest for Strong Security for All. In April 2023, CISA launched the Secure by Design initiative with the participation of other national and international organizations. This attempts to shift the responsibility of security from the consumer to the technology manufacturer. As part of their ongoing […]

Privacy & Cybersecurity Compliance Deadlines – 2024
What Privacy and Security Mean for Companies With Data Privacy Week coming up soon, we’re thinking about the important symbiotic relationship between privacy and security, and ahead to some pending deadlines for cybersecurity and privacy compliance. How can company leaders best navigate the waters and enjoy peace of mind? Here are a few upcoming privacy and security […]

Here are Risks and Solutions of Identity Account Takeover
OFFER ISRAELI GVP & GM, Identity Threat Defense, Proofpoint recently wrote: “Attackers are increasingly focused on privileged identity account takeover (ATO) attacks because they can compromise organizations much more easily and quickly this way, as compared to the time, effort, and cost to exploit a software vulnerability (a common vulnerability and exposure or CVE). And […]

Cyberattack: Where the Blame Goes. And Where Kudos Belong
There have been so many articles and posts about the recent Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit against SolarWinds and their #ciso – and plenty written about recent breaches via the Okta platform. So much has been said about how attackers used social engineering to lure users to give up information or reset accounts. … Still, I feel like […]

Cybercrime in Schools
WHY SCHOOLS ARE PRIME TARGETS FOR CYBERATTACK, AND HOW WE CAN DO BETTER TO PROTECT THEM The University of Michigan was in the news recently following a cyberattack that caused an internet outage across all campus networks, eventually requiring password resets for all users. This is just one event amid a series of cyberattacks on […]

The LastPass Lockout and the Lessons learned from it
Angry LastPass users have taken to social media with reports that they’ve been struggling to access their accounts since the company’s security upgrade back in May. What’s more, there doesn’t seem to be a simple solution in sight. What does this have to do with MFA? The trouble began on May 9, 2023, when LastPass […]

What has happened in cybersecurity since Biden called in 2021?
Two years ago (August 25th, 2021) business leaders – including some of Silicon Valley’s biggest Tech players, water and energy companies, banking and insurance firms, and academic institutions – were summoned to the White House to discuss one of the world’s most pressing concerns: Cybersecurity. The meeting came in the wake of several cyber-attacks – […]

7 Reasons you should NOT use Free Authenticator Apps
And why you should use Strong MFA instead Despite the call from world leaders for strong Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to protect individuals and organizations against cyber-attack, the vast majority just isn’t up to snuff when it comes to security. Most of us know that security starts with Identity and Authentication – ensuring that users Are […]

5 Myths Around Single Sign-On
There are many misperceptions around Single Sign-On (SSO) – all of which need addressing. 5 MYTHS AROUND SSO – BUSTED: 1. SSO is not secure because if a user’s master password is compromised, an attacker could have access to all user accounts. BUST: SSO actually enhances security by reducing the number of passwords a user must […]