WordPress Login Requirements_
With more than 33% of websites on the internet being managed through WordPress, it’s a wonder the website juggernaut hasn’t created a stronger, more reliable method for login security. To date, WordPress login systems are some of the weakest online right out of the box, and although they can be adjusted for more security, their secure login system can be complex. Let’s take a look at WordPress login requirements, and how you can make them more secure than ever.
WordPress Password Requirements
The password requirements on websites made with WordPress are standard and allow for passwords of decent length and complexity. Because WordPress has so many features that can be adjusted, password requirements can change from site to site and with level of login authority.
WordPress admins have been aware of the weakness of passwords for some time, and while websites made with the open source platform have a range of password requirements, the hosting platform at WordPress.com only requires a password that is more than six characters in length, regardless of capitals, numbers, or symbols. Think about it: the backdoor hosting system for your website can be locked up behind six simple lower-case letters. If most employee passwords are crackable within 6 hours, imagine how quickly a hacker can crack a password that’s six characters long. You wouldn’t trust your front door lock if it were replaced with paper, so why trust your login at six characters in length?
Forcing Secure Login for Users

Thankfully, options are available to create strong login requirements for clients and visitors to your site, as well as your team on the back end. Settings through WordPress dashboard and plugins, once adjusted, can force individuals creating an account to use a secure login. You can also force passwords to expire after a certain number of days, disable password hints, set a minimum requirement for numbers and symbols, or other options depending on the plugin. All of these restrictions can be adjusted for level of authority of employees and coworkers editing your website; higher safety restrictions for passwords can be forced onto accounts with higher levels of authority on your website.
Secure Password Plugins for WordPress
The number of plugins available for WordPress websites is incredible. Finding the perfect plugin for your company’s web page can feel like wading through mud. It’s important to find secure plugins that enforce secure login methods onto both your team and your clients. A secure login WordPress plugin should also enforce multi-factor authentication. This is true for internal and external visitors. Along with passwords, links sent to email, or a one time PIN, multi-factor authentication can strengthen login security and make it that much more difficult for hackers to access your account.
What’s More Secure Than Passwords? Not Using Them!
Even WordPress has admitted that passwords are, by far, the weakest link in online security. Hackers have more tools now than ever before to help them crack lengthy passwords within hours. Plugins requiring long passwords and multi-factor authentication can only do so much. However with the over-use of duplicate passwords, if a hacker cracks your “long, secure password” in one location. They may have easy access to all of your other accounts across the web.
The solution? Get rid of passwords altogether. Passwordless authentication has gained widespread attention with Google and Microsoft’s recent passwordless news. You to can have passwordless authentication, available for smaller businesses as well.
TraitWare’s passwordless authentication plugin blends seamlessly into the WordPress experience. Adding a secure login system to both your and your clients’ accounts that is truly secure. Make the smart switch and ditch the passwords. Go passwordless with TraitWare for WordPress.