
Enterprise Cybersecurity: Practice vs. Risk

Are We Getting It Wrong? Due to the rising severity and frequency of cyber-attacks, Enterprise spending on cybersecurity is also rising worldwide. But debate is heating around which security methods we should employ. Where are organizations focusing their efforts, and where is the most risk? According to experts, companies may not be getting their priorities […]

Stronger Cybersecurity for Companies of all Sizes!

Rising cyber threats and incidents of cyber-attack across the globe have many calling for federal intervention to protect our digital valuables. What’s Happening … In recent news, the United Health Group (UHG) paid a $22 million ransom to the BlackCat ransomware gang for a late February cyber-attack on subsidiary Change Healthcare. The attack, which was […]

Strengthen Your Cyber Defense against Ransomware during the Pandemic

Over the years, little, if any, has changed as far as cyber defense against ransomware is concerned. Fast forward to the coronavirus pandemic, and ransomware is causing significant challenges for hospitals and health care providers in particular.  Researchers involved in a recent Microsoft study on ransomware targets often observed how attackers got their initial network […]