What is island hopping?

Bad actors target large organizations indirectly, gaining access first to smaller, more vulnerable partner company networks to eventually infiltrate the larger company. Find out more about Island hopping here: What is Island Hopping? How can you best protect your business from attack? – TraitWare

Why I shouldn’t store passwords in my browser? It’s Free!

No one likes the Password. Clunky, frustrating, and by now, we all know they’re not particularly secure, as almost daily we hear news of cyberattacks with compromised user credentials as the root cause. But until they go away, there is a proper way to manage them. Find the proper way here: DON’T LET YOUR BROWSER […]

MFA and cybersecurity

Today, cyber insurance is difficult for most companies to navigate. Legacy cybersecurity solutions do not often meet today’s criteria. In order to ensure you’re ready to apply for cyber insurance, you’ll need to be sure you meet the requirements. All the needed requirements and more information can be found here: Cyber Insurance Coverage Checklist CYBER […]

How does Zero Trust support MFA?

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires from users two (as in 2-factor authentication) or more information that fall under either of these four categories: knowledge (e.g., PIN), possession (token, USB key, etc.), inherence (biometrics—e.g., fingerprint, voice, etc.), and location (determined through GPS tracking). Options to increase the number of factors required to […]

Is it ‘Passwordless’ or merely a ‘Passwordless experience’?

Real Passwordless MFA is here. TraitWare® provides Real Passwordless MFA plus Single Sign-On (SSO) for True Zero Trust Access™. Simple Secure Login in Three Touches. TraitWare does what most MFA solutions don’t: It enables MFA right from account creation. MFA is built-in to the technology and verifies user identity without a password, leveraging the biometric […]

What is Zero Trust?

Zero trust is the Buzzword for cybersecurity today. As a result, the market is brimming with “zero trust” solutions. The zero trust model, or zero trust architecture, is a cybersecurity approach that grants users access to networks and resources only when their identities and permissions for access have been verified. This means they are authenticated for access not just once, but […]

Doesn’t single-sign on decrease security?

Many think that single-sign on decreases cyber security. However, single-sign on actually enhances security and simplicity. Here is some more information: 5 Myths Around Single Sign-On Heath Spencer-SSO & Strong Security For ALL (youtube.com)

What patents does TraitWare have?

TraitWare has several patens: More about them here: TraitWare Patents

Is Biometric-enabled login safe? Can’t you hack biometrics?

With cybercrime in today’s headlines almost daily, companies are looking to modernize security protocols. Biometrics are being widely adopted for greater security and for improved user experience. Yet some are still hesitant to make the shift. Read more about Biometrics and how to properly use it here: BUSTING MYTHS: THE TRUTH ABOUT BIOMETRICS – TraitWare

Why an MSP should choose TraitWare?

Even MSPs are at risks of cyber attacks and need protection. How to be cyber protected can be read here: Why MSPs are at Risk of Cyberattacks too – TraitWare

Why should I not use a free authenticator App?

There are a lot of risks with Free Authenticator Apps like Phishing, lack of authenticator backups and Flexibility. You want to know more read the article about Free Authenticator Apps: 7 Reasons you should NOT use Free Authenticator Apps for Security

What are Phishing attacks?/What is Phishing?

Phishing is a cybercrime that contacts its targets by email, phone or text message by someone posing as someone else like a legitimate institution, friend or family member. To lure those targets into providing personal data like bank and credit card details or passwords. Here is some more information about phishing attacks: 10 Ways Phishing […]