What Can You Do About Computer Hackers

Anyone who has access to the internet is at risk to hackers. Your business especially, is easy prey in the eyes of attackers. Hackers are unauthorized users who break into computer systems to access information. While some hackers are motivated by curiosity or do it for the sheer thrill of bypassing large security systems, most […]

Setting Up Two Factor Authentication for Your Website

We hear about Multi-factor authentication (MFA) everywhere. Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Apple, Yahoo—all the big guys have it. Two-factor authentication solutions are an easy layer of protection that can be added immediately to improve your organization’s security structure. It is quickly joining firewalls, anti-virus, and anti-spam as the baseline security measures all businesses need to […]

Is a Secure Login Manager the Best Way to Protect Your Business Online?

Every 14 seconds, a business falls victim to a ransomware attack. While big businesses are often the target of massive data breaches, the risks for smaller businesses are higher as they have minimal security infrastructure, which makes them easy prey for attackers.  According to Verizon Data, in 2017, 61 percent of data breach victims were […]

How Secure is Passwordless Authentication

As humanity further progresses in the digital era, computer passwords, which were used to ensure our security on the world wide web have become liabilities. Passwords are weak links that are often targeted by cybercriminals. From time to time, we hear about massive breaches which compromise millions of user passwords from big platforms. The era […]

5 Tips for Better WordPress Login Security on Your Sign In Page

WordPress Login Security  One common vulnerability among WordPress login security is the weakness of the login page. Brute force attacks and hacks often start with the weakest link; login credentials. Here are some tips to implement in your WordPress login page increasing security keeping cybercriminals at bay.  1. Change Your Login Page URL For instance […]

The end of the era of passwords

The father of computer passwords – Fernando Corbató – died on July 12 at the age of 93. Corbató pioneered the password for the computing world in the 1960s, working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He and other researchers at the university shared access to one of the first computers with the ability […]

Why Businesses choose Single Sign On. (SSO)

What is Single Sign On? Single Sign On, shortened to SSO, is a method of authentication that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. A perfect example of SSO that you’ve no doubt used is Google’s Suite or Office 365. Once you log in, you will be automatically logged into […]

Multi-Factor Authentication and Your Smartphone

Can Your Mobile Phone Be Your Greatest Online Security Asset_ In the early days of the internet, all you needed to log into an account or website was a username and a short, simple password. Today, we know that passwords are not secure and can easily be spoofed, cracked, and stolen. With just your password, […]

A Guide to WordPress Login Security

WordPress Login Requirements_ With more than 33% of websites on the internet being managed through WordPress, it’s a wonder the website juggernaut hasn’t created a stronger, more reliable method for login security. To date, WordPress login systems are some of the weakest online right out of the box, and although they can be adjusted for […]

Passwordless Authentication_ A Safeguard from Data Breaches

The Growing Threat of Data Breaches Technology advances at a breakneck pace, and much of that technology needs our personal information to function. Many devices and applications won’t allow you to use them unless you share your personal, identifying information first. In an age of information brokering, your personal data becomes worth more than gold. […]

Are Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions Enough to Protect Your Company Online_

As technology advances, so too do security measures to keep online information safe. Longer passwords, CAPTCHAs, PINs, and even biometrics have been used to secure user information. All to keep bots and hackers at bay. Multi-factor authentication (2FA) systems have become the go-to solution for strengthening employee login. Are they the right security solution for […]

How to Reclaim Your Online Privacy with A Secure Login Manager

Online privacy is a hot topic of conversation topic in the digital age. With each advancement in technology, there’s a wave of hackers and data breaches to go along with it. It’s more important now than ever before to manage your online presence and keep your information safe. It can be difficult to know where […]