Digital Identity

20 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Terms You Need to Know

Forget buzzwords and buzz phrases. These terms are keepers, and knowing them can go a long way to help you navigate identity and access management for your organization’s systems and networks. Access management The processes and technologies used to control and monitor network access. Access management features, such as authentication, authorization, trust and security auditing, […]

5 Tips for Protecting Your Digital Identity

Your Digital Identity is at Risk Social media has encouraged people to share their entire lives with one another. Now more than ever before, it’s easy for cyber criminals to steal your online information and use it against you, either to gain access to your personal identifying information or to steal money from your bank […]

Your Identity And How It Is Used In The Digital World

Identity: Who you are. Who you identify as. Who others identify you as. The makeup of your very existence. This identity, while in constant flux, is used in your digital world, as well. That digital identity is made up of different identifiers and attributes (your traits and personality, in other words), are used most commonly […]