Single Sign On

ZeroTrust and work from Mars, By Chris Werpy, COO, PlanetOne

As our Planet made the shift to work from wherever, remote access exploded in numbers and speed, with capacity taking the lead.  Looking ahead, it’s time to determine how to not only keep the lights on, but to drive increased productivity without compromising security. Is the environment we work in today designed for the future, […]

Enhance Security and User Experience with Passwordless SSO Logins

For On-Premise or Cloud-Based Resources Enhance Security and User Experience with Passwordless SSO Logins. Username and password logins are not a secure option for individuals and organizations alike as data breaches and malicious attacks get more and more sophisticated. Even the strongest passwords fail to reassure the most risk-averse users. If you’re this kind of […]

How SSO Gives Users The Security They Expect

How many apps do users access every day? It could easily reach a dozen. From social media to leisure, online shopping, and important work-related apps, it is becoming harder to manage and remember so many login credentials. For both customers and employees alike, repeated login prompts are a hassle. It’s not a puzzle that so […]

Is SSO Single Sign On Authentication Secure

Is SSO Authentication Secure? You may have heard a lot about SSO single sign on . SSO authentication enables users to authenticate multiple applications and websites by logging in only once, using one set of login credentials. Having an SSO service provider is very convenient as users will only need to remember one password. However, […]