What is the Difference Between Passwordfree and Passwordless
Passwords are getting less and less popular nowadays. Some experts say the era of passwords is over. Aside from the fact that people find it hard to manage and remember their passwords, there is also the problem of security. In the current complex IT environment, passwords are no longer enough to protect our online data. […]

Cyber Security Trends in 2020 to Watch
As they say, ‘it is better to prepare than to repair.’ Understanding what’s coming in the global cyber security landscape will help redefine and consolidate security solutions. Below are six main cyber security trends in 2020: War in the cyber world intensifies The separation of Western and Eastern technologies is a clear sign of the […]

How to Protect Your Company Against Phishing
With cyberattacks and security breaches increasing year by year, cybersecurity should be a top priority for businesses. Among the most prevalent cybersecurity issue is phishing, which is commonly executed by luring victims to click on fraudulent links and attachments to gather sensitive information. Phishing Facts and Statistics According to the FBI, from October 2013 and […]

Common Issues with Passwords as a means of Authentication
Though the creation of the passwords was originally intended to protect online data, in today’s IT environment, passwords are considered one of the weakest links in security. The era of passwords is about to end. In fact, most cyberattacks across the web stem from compromised passwords. It’s about time we acknowledge the major failings of […]

Do You Need WordPress Security Plugins
WordPress is the most popular CMS platform for users, but it is also one of the the most popular targets for hackers. That’s why website owners should take their WordPress security seriously. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need to be an IT expert to protect your site. A few plugin installations can solve most security problems. […]

Authentication Solutions for MFA Everything You Need to Know
Knowing about Authentication Solution when securing your online data, using passwords alone isn’t enough. Passwords are susceptible to attacks such as brute force, keylogger, and dictionary attacks. Even strong passwords cannot stand against hackers. Not to mention, most users have bad password hygiene. According to statistics, at least 80 percent of data breaches are caused […]

What are the Pros and Cons of 2FA via SMS
Many websites and apps have started to offer two-factor authentication 2FA solutions for their logins. According to the 2018 Global Password Security Report, organizations which are using two-factor authentication (2FA) has risen from 24 percent in 2017 to 45 percent in 2018. This is a very significant increase. However, most platforms only offer the most […]

Is MultiFactor Authentication Good For Verification Purposes
With the IT environment getting more and more complicated, the traditional authentication method using only passwords is no longer secure. A study revealed that there are 8.2 million passwords stolen every day, meanwhile about 95 passwords stolen per second. Passwords have become our greatest weakness. Although we have relied on passwords for our security and […]

Two Factor Authentication: Important to Implement to Your Website
Your WordPress login page is a very tempting and easy target for hackers. In fact, one doesn’t need to be an expert to capture your username and password. There are a lot of tools available on the web that can be used to bypass your admin login. Securing your WordPress website is essential. You can […]

How Do Companies Manage Multi-Factor Authentication –
Are you interested in setting up a multi-factor authentication solution for your business? Multi-factor authentication is a security measure which requires users to use two or more methods of verification to access their user accounts. Aside from your typical login credentials such as username and password, the app or website will prompt you to perform […]

3 Ways to Create Strong Passwords That You Can Remember
Every time a data breach happens, we mull over the susceptibility of the internet and consider changing our passwords. However, considering the time and mental energy needed to do a complete overhaul of all our account logins, at the end of the day, we still use our favorite passwords and tell ourselves “I won’t be […]

How SSO Service Provider Can Help Password Security Issues
When we hear about login security options, there is no way single sign-on won’t be mentioned. SSO service providers improve security and user experience by managing access to multiple related but independent software systems. It is accomplished by storing login credentials on a separate database. On the user’s next login, the database will intercept the […]