Schools are top targets for Cybercrime. It’s time to get educated and educate about the risks, and how to implement a Zero Trust framework for security. With students of all ages still in the early days of their academic year, cybersecurity experts issue stern warnings about cybercrime in schools. With the increased use of technology […]

Phishing Attacks Evolve and Pose a More Serious Threat
Go passwordless and adopt multi-factor authentication with single sign-on for multilayered security and guaranteed convenience.

12 Ways to Secure Your Business Email
Phishing attacks, which target your email, are skyrocketing, as cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated and better at what they do. Because of the massive adjustments that businesses, large or small, have had to make to adapt to COVID-19, vulnerabilities get overlooked, including email security. Secure your business email by adopting these best practices: 1. Run […]

Beware of Phishing Attacks That Can Bypass 2-Factor Authentication
Phishing attacks that can bypass 2-factor authentication. Where 2FA normally offers an extra layer of protection that is lacking in single-layer protection provided by usernames and passwords. In most cases, that should give businesses some much-needed peace of mind. But hackers are forever finding ways to circumvent any security measures developed to thwart their malicious […]

5 Common Cyber Security Attacks That Can Harm Your Business
Small businesses are prone to cyber security attacks. Although targeting big companies seems to have better pay-off, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with limited IT infrastructure are also very tempting for attackers. According to a 2018 report, 58 percent of cyberattacks were targeted to SMBs with fewer than 250 employees. The worse thing is—hackers can […]

How to Protect Your Company Against Phishing
With cyberattacks and security breaches increasing year by year, cybersecurity should be a top priority for businesses. Among the most prevalent cybersecurity issue is phishing, which is commonly executed by luring victims to click on fraudulent links and attachments to gather sensitive information. Phishing Facts and Statistics According to the FBI, from October 2013 and […]

Is It Possible to Hack Two-Factor Authentication?
In an effort to make your online accounts safe, many websites and services offer two-factor authentication solutions. Adding an extra layer of security to your online accounts by linking it to another device and sending a unique, one-time code that you would need to enter together with your login credentials. It sounds a lot safer […]

Reused Passwords lead to data breaches.
Phishing attacks continue to be a mainstream enterprise for credential grabbing ( passwords ). The attackers continue to evolve their methods

Your part in Social Engineering
On top of all the rest of our daily concerns, we have to worry about Social Engineering cyber attacks.

Are You Becoming Numb to Data Breaches?
Nearly every day we read about yet another data breach. They come from every market and size of company.

Secure Login News
Recently, the topic of protecting the individual (user) at the point of entry (login), to a application or digital resource has risen to the top of security discussion.