Make MFA Adoption Easier for Everyone in Your Organization
Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a must for enterprises to ensure data security in the face of both new attacks and persistent older ones that are constantly being fine-tuned by cybercriminals. It offers multiple layers of security to your login processes through multiple means of authentication. However, while MFA is intended to thwart cybercriminals attempting to […]

Why Companies do not want to Go Passwordless
Addressing the Top 4 Reasons for Hesitation Studies have shown an increased appetite among consumers for multi-factor authentication, including biometrics as a replacement for the username and password login method, and evidence is clear that credential-based login poses the number one threat for security breaches. Experts and tech writers have been saying that we need to “break […]

Should Have Authentication and Authorization to be Cyber secure
How Is Authentication Different from Authorization, and Why Should You Have Both? Authentication is concerned with identity, while authorization is concerned with action. Authentication involves validating the identity of a registered user attempting to gain access to data resources such as an application, an API, or microservices. Authorization involves specifying what actions a registered user […]

Enhance Security and User Experience with Passwordless SSO Logins
For On-Premise or Cloud-Based Resources Enhance Security and User Experience with Passwordless SSO Logins. Username and password logins are not a secure option for individuals and organizations alike as data breaches and malicious attacks get more and more sophisticated. Even the strongest passwords fail to reassure the most risk-averse users. If you’re this kind of […]

How to Use Single Sign-On and Multifactor Authentication together?
Unforeseen crises like the COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how ruthless cybercriminals can get. They can carry out their attacks with tactical precision, taking full advantage of the fact that businesses are distracted and vulnerable. Single Sign On and Multifactor Authentication are a must have. If you are among those businesses who are still relying […]

How to get Free Passwordless Login Security
TraitWare® offers FREE Passwordless Login Security to Citrix customers First and foremost, the health and safety of friends and families takes precedence. With the developing changes surrounding the COVID-19 emergency, companies are adopting rapid procedures to help protect their employees. The most immediate change that most companies are adopting is a shift to working remotely. […]

Is MultiFactor Authentication Good For Verification Purposes
With the IT environment getting more and more complicated, the traditional authentication method using only passwords is no longer secure. A study revealed that there are 8.2 million passwords stolen every day, meanwhile about 95 passwords stolen per second. Passwords have become our greatest weakness. Although we have relied on passwords for our security and […]

How SSO Service Provider Can Help Password Security Issues
When we hear about login security options, there is no way single sign-on won’t be mentioned. SSO service providers improve security and user experience by managing access to multiple related but independent software systems. It is accomplished by storing login credentials on a separate database. On the user’s next login, the database will intercept the […]

How SSO Gives Users The Security They Expect
How many apps do users access every day? It could easily reach a dozen. From social media to leisure, online shopping, and important work-related apps, it is becoming harder to manage and remember so many login credentials. For both customers and employees alike, repeated login prompts are a hassle. It’s not a puzzle that so […]

5 Reasons Why Business Should Use an SSO Service Provider
If you are using the internet every day, you might have come across SSO or Single Sign-On. SSO allows users to utilize a single set of login credentials across multiple applications. Your Google account, for example, can take you to all Google platforms such as Gmail, Drive, Play Store, and more. An SSO service provider […]

5 Tips for Protecting Your Digital Identity
Your Digital Identity is at Risk Social media has encouraged people to share their entire lives with one another. Now more than ever before, it’s easy for cyber criminals to steal your online information and use it against you, either to gain access to your personal identifying information or to steal money from your bank […]

Is SSO Single Sign On Authentication Secure
Is SSO Authentication Secure? You may have heard a lot about SSO single sign on . SSO authentication enables users to authenticate multiple applications and websites by logging in only once, using one set of login credentials. Having an SSO service provider is very convenient as users will only need to remember one password. However, […]