
Is Your Website Ready for Security Services

Is Your Website Ready for Security Services? WordPress has made website creation easy and affordable for users. For a reasonable cost, you can create a website for your business. However, the ease of WordPress in some instances creates a number of security lapses that can greatly damage your brand. Furthermore, the sheer popularity of WordPress […]

5 Tips for Protecting Your Digital Identity

Your Digital Identity is at Risk Social media has encouraged people to share their entire lives with one another. Now more than ever before, it’s easy for cyber criminals to steal your online information and use it against you, either to gain access to your personal identifying information or to steal money from your bank […]

Why Hackers Love Passwords

Moving On from Passwords? Passwords. They’re a hacker’s favorite thing. Not only are they easy to steal and crack, but many people practice poor password management. Because of this, password theft and abuse are ever rising. From short, simple words to long strings of letters, numbers, and symbols, passwords just aren’t enough to keep your […]

Is SSO Single Sign On Authentication Secure

Is SSO Authentication Secure? You may have heard a lot about SSO single sign on . SSO authentication enables users to authenticate multiple applications and websites by logging in only once, using one set of login credentials. Having an SSO service provider is very convenient as users will only need to remember one password. However, […]

Qnext and TraitWare Inc. Join Forces to Transform Enterprise Security

Nevada City, California – September 24, 2019 – TraitWare® Inc and Toronto, Canada based Qnext® Corp announced today that they have signed an agreement regarding co-marketing, resale and distribution of software products that provide the highest level of security available on the market.   Qnext’s primary product is FileFlex Enterprise, an on-premises “software” data management application that provides […]

Effective WordPress Security Plugins To Use For Your Website

If you are running your business website on WordPress, you should know that you are very much at risk from online attacks. There are about 18.5 million websites infected with malware at any given time. On average, 90,000 websites get hacked every day—and 83 percent of them are WordPress sites.  Adding WordPress security adds credibility […]

Common Mobile Security Threats to know more about

Online security is a growing problem. As technology advances, so too do the hacking and scamming techniques used by cybercriminals. Many people believe that this threat exists only on their computers, however mobile phones are just as at risk. Like any computer, your cellphone can be hacked or used against you in the case of […]

Is It Possible to Hack Two-Factor Authentication?

In an effort to make your online accounts safe, many websites and services offer two-factor authentication solutions. Adding an extra layer of security to your online accounts by linking it to another device and sending a unique, one-time code that you would need to enter together with your login credentials. It sounds a lot safer […]

Common Mobile Security Threats

Online mobile security is a growing problem. As technology advances, so too do the hacking and scamming techniques used by cybercriminals. Many people believe that this threat exists only on their computers, however mobile phones are just as at risk. Like any computer, your cellphone can be hacked or used against you in the case […]

5 Common Security Issues of Small and Medium Businesses (And How to Stop Them)

Small Business Security is at Risk Many small and medium businesses struggle with finances and may make excuses when it comes to setting aside a little extra for dealing with security issues. The problem, however, is that small businesses are a huge target. In fact, they’re the favorite target of cybercriminals, making up nearly 60% […]

Signs Your Business Is the Target of Cyber Crime and How to Handle It

Signs Cyber Criminals are Targeting Your Business 1. Your Systems Shut Down or Act Strange  One telltale sign of a virus or breach forms of cyber crime . Is that your internal systems will begin to shut down or act strange. This may happen in communication software, money transfer systems, or your business website altogether. […]

5 Tips for Better WordPress Login Security on Your Sign In Page

WordPress Login Security  One common vulnerability among WordPress login security is the weakness of the login page. Brute force attacks and hacks often start with the weakest link; login credentials. Here are some tips to implement in your WordPress login page increasing security keeping cybercriminals at bay.  1. Change Your Login Page URL For instance […]