Common Mobile Security Threats to know more about
Online security is a growing problem. As technology advances, so too do the hacking and scamming techniques used by cybercriminals. Many people believe that this threat exists only on their computers, however mobile phones are just as at risk. Like any computer, your cellphone can be hacked or used against you in the case of […]

Is It Possible to Hack Two-Factor Authentication?
In an effort to make your online accounts safe, many websites and services offer two-factor authentication solutions. Adding an extra layer of security to your online accounts by linking it to another device and sending a unique, one-time code that you would need to enter together with your login credentials. It sounds a lot safer […]

Common Mobile Security Threats
Online mobile security is a growing problem. As technology advances, so too do the hacking and scamming techniques used by cybercriminals. Many people believe that this threat exists only on their computers, however mobile phones are just as at risk. Like any computer, your cellphone can be hacked or used against you in the case […]

5 Common Security Issues and How to Stop Them
Small Business Security is at Risk Many small and medium businesses struggle with finances and may make excuses when it comes to setting aside a little extra for dealing with security issues. The problem, however, is that small businesses are a huge target. In fact, they’re the favorite target of cybercriminals, making up nearly 60% […]

How to Handle being the Target of Cyber Crime
Signs Cyber Criminals are Targeting Your Business 1. Your Systems Shut Down or Act Strange One telltale sign of a virus or breach forms of cyber crime . Is that your internal systems will begin to shut down or act strange. This may happen in communication software, money transfer systems, or your business website altogether. […]

5 Tips for Better WordPress Login Security on Your Sign In Page
WordPress Login Security One common vulnerability among WordPress login security is the weakness of the login page. Brute force attacks and hacks often start with the weakest link; login credentials. Here are some tips to implement in your WordPress login page increasing security keeping cybercriminals at bay. 1. Change Your Login Page URL For instance […]

Internet Security Statistics You Need to Know in 2019
Protecting your data starts with knowing what you’re up against. Cybercrime has been and may always be growing. However with more information we gain a better understanding of how to combat internet criminals and data breaches. Here are some internet security statistics to keep in mind about cybercrime and its effects on your business. Cyber […]

Tips for Better Online Security
Internet Security: A Growing Problem Online security breaches have been a problem since the dawn of the internet. Actually, data breaches and hacks have been steadily getting worse and worse. Each year, billions of breaches occur across the web, and experts suggest that this number will simply continue to increase with time. This means you’re […]

How To Strengthen WordPress Security By Managing Users
WordPress Users and Security As businesses grow, the number of people required to get the job done grows too. The more users your WordPress website has, however, the higher the security risk. Managing your WordPress users to maintain security can be complicated as your business grows, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these tips […]

The end of the era of passwords
The father of computer passwords – Fernando Corbató – died on July 12 at the age of 93. Corbató pioneered the password for the computing world in the 1960s, working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He and other researchers at the university shared access to one of the first computers with the ability […]

Why Single Sign On (SSO) is good for Businesses.
What is Single Sign On? Single Sign On, shortened to SSO, is a method of authentication that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. A perfect example of SSO that you’ve no doubt used is Google’s Suite or Office 365. Once you log in, you will be automatically logged into […]

Multi-Factor Authentication and Your Smartphone
Can Your Mobile Phone Be Your Greatest Online Security Asset_ In the early days of the internet, all you needed to log into an account or website was a username and a short, simple password. Today, we know that passwords are not secure and can easily be spoofed, cracked, and stolen. With just your password, […]