
Beware of Tycoon – the Ransomware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems

Beware of Tycoon—the Ransomware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems. Windows and Linux systems are in the cyber-crosshairs of a recently uncovered ransomware, in what appears to be a targeted campaign.  Tycoon is a multi-platform Java ransomware that is deployed in the form of a Trojanized Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and leverages an obscure Java image […]

Zero Trust, and How Does Multifactor Authentication Support It?

 What Is Zero Trust, and How Does Multifactor Authentication Support It? At the 29th iteration of the RSA Conference (RSAC), one of the most well-attended yearly events for online security, discussions zeroed in on the urgency for more fresh strategies to battle threats to data security. While banking and telecommunications industries obviously have huge stakes […]

Enhance Security and User Experience with Passwordless SSO Logins

For On-Premise or Cloud-Based Resources Enhance Security and User Experience with Passwordless SSO Logins. Username and password logins are not a secure option for individuals and organizations alike as data breaches and malicious attacks get more and more sophisticated. Even the strongest passwords fail to reassure the most risk-averse users. If you’re this kind of […]

How Cybercriminals Exploit COVID-19 to Compromise Businesses’ Data Security

How Cybercriminals Exploit COVID-19 to Compromise Businesses’ Data Security. The COVID-19 pandemic is the kind of crisis that gives malicious actors increased options and opportunities, and they will not be shy about exploiting organizational and individual cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Here are 6 ways you can be targeted:    1. Phishing campaigns Cybercriminals have been taking advantage of […]

Beware of Phishing Attacks That Can Bypass 2-Factor Authentication

Phishing attacks that can bypass 2-factor authentication. Where 2FA normally offers an extra layer of protection that is lacking in single-layer protection provided by usernames and passwords. In most cases, that should give businesses some much-needed peace of mind. But hackers are forever finding ways to circumvent any security measures developed to thwart their malicious […]

How to Telecommute Securely During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus has given businesses and organizations little to no choice but to adopt telecommuting on a bigger scale than many probably would have been happy with.  Telecommuting securely during Covid 19 is a must. The massive shift in working arrangement has changed the way employees interact with company systems and data, and the transition […]

Customer Experience Improved by Passwordless Authentication

How do you attract and retain customers in an age when customer experience that spans multiple touchpoints has become the rule rather than the extraordinary exception? The technological advances over the last decade have been nothing short of breathtaking. The links that have been made possible, the virtual connections, experiences, and transactions that are now […]

How to Use Single Sign-On and Multifactor Authentication together?

Unforeseen crises like the COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how ruthless cybercriminals can get. They can carry out their attacks with tactical precision, taking full advantage of the fact that businesses are distracted and vulnerable. Single Sign On and Multifactor Authentication are a must have. If you are among those businesses who are still relying […]

How concerned Should You Be About Cloud Security Risks?

The State of Cloud Security survey conducted by Fugue Inc. has found that 84 percent of IT professionals are concerned about ensuring the security of cloud environments as a vast majority of companies are rapidly shifting to work-from-home as part of the measures taken to keep COVID-19 from spreading. These IT professionals are concerned that […]

How to Strengthen Cyber Defense against Ransomware

Over the years, little, if any, has changed as far as cyber defense against ransomware is concerned. Fast forward to the coronavirus pandemic, and ransomware is causing significant challenges for hospitals and health care providers in particular.  Researchers involved in a recent Microsoft study on ransomware targets often observed how attackers got their initial network […]

How the Digital World is Building Data Privacy

Data Privacy while businesses increasingly depend on computer networks and electronic data to maintain their operations, bulks of personal and financial information are transferred and stored online. This makes users at risk of privacy violations. Meanwhile, businesses and organizations suffer enormous liabilities when data breaches occur. Hundreds of millions of online records are exposed every […]

Beware of Social Engineering Attacks During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Why Social Engineering is such a big risk currently. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced everyone, individuals and businesses alike, to rely almost solely on virtual and electronic means for both business and personal communication. In the context of web security, this means cybercriminals now have more targets than ever—that is, people, the weakest link in […]