
Customer Experience Improved by Passwordless Authentication

How do you attract and retain customers in an age when customer experience that spans multiple touchpoints has become the rule rather than the extraordinary exception? The technological advances over the last decade have been nothing short of breathtaking. The links that have been made possible, the virtual connections, experiences, and transactions that are now […]

How to Use Single Sign-On and Multifactor Authentication together?

Unforeseen crises like the COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how ruthless cybercriminals can get. They can carry out their attacks with tactical precision, taking full advantage of the fact that businesses are distracted and vulnerable. Single Sign On and Multifactor Authentication are a must have. If you are among those businesses who are still relying […]

How concerned Should You Be About Cloud Security Risks?

The State of Cloud Security survey conducted by Fugue Inc. has found that 84 percent of IT professionals are concerned about ensuring the security of cloud environments as a vast majority of companies are rapidly shifting to work-from-home as part of the measures taken to keep COVID-19 from spreading. These IT professionals are concerned that […]

How to Strengthen Cyber Defense against Ransomware

Over the years, little, if any, has changed as far as cyber defense against ransomware is concerned. Fast forward to the coronavirus pandemic, and ransomware is causing significant challenges for hospitals and health care providers in particular.  Researchers involved in a recent Microsoft study on ransomware targets often observed how attackers got their initial network […]

How the Digital World is Building Data Privacy

Data Privacy while businesses increasingly depend on computer networks and electronic data to maintain their operations, bulks of personal and financial information are transferred and stored online. This makes users at risk of privacy violations. Meanwhile, businesses and organizations suffer enormous liabilities when data breaches occur. Hundreds of millions of online records are exposed every […]

Beware of Social Engineering Attacks During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Why Social Engineering is such a big risk currently. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced everyone, individuals and businesses alike, to rely almost solely on virtual and electronic means for both business and personal communication. In the context of web security, this means cybercriminals now have more targets than ever—that is, people, the weakest link in […]

Best Practices for SMEs’ Data Security

Data Security at SME’s are targeted by cyber attackers for their lack of resources or expertise to effectively protect their data. Managed security services provider Alert Logic estimates that small businesses make up 58% of malware attack victims, and that 94% of these attacks are carried out through malware or phishing emails disguised as bills, […]

How Biometric Authentication Improves User and Enterprise Security?

Biometric authentication is a method of digital identification and authentication through physical or behavioral human characteristics for access to systems, devices, or data. It is one of the methods that drive both two-factor authentication (2FA) and multifactor authentication (MFA).  Biometrics is one of the technologies that are being adopted as more advanced methods to address increasing […]

Covid-19 Strengthening the Case against Passwords

Password breaches as a result of Covid-19 cyber attacks continue to strengthen the case for getting rid of passwords and adopting passwordless authentication across all types of transactions and settings.  Not that the case has ever been weak to begin with. The World Economic Forum for example, projected that password-related attacks would make up 80% of […]

7 Priciest Data Breach Penalties Ever

The cost of a data breach is becoming more pricey—especially with the introduction of international data protection laws such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018. According to IBM, a breach of 1 million records has an average total cost of 42 million USD, which represents an eight percent growth from 2018.  […]

How to get Free Passwordless Login Security

TraitWare® offers FREE Passwordless Login Security to Citrix customers First and foremost, the health and safety of friends and families takes precedence.  With the developing changes surrounding the COVID-19 emergency, companies are adopting rapid procedures to help protect their employees.  The most immediate change that most companies are adopting is a shift to working remotely.    […]

How to Improve User Experience through Passwordless Authentication

An unproductive workforce can harm your bottom line. That’s the long and short of it.  This is why you need to improve user experience. In detail, employee un-productivity affects overall organizational morale, particularly after poor performance and missed deadlines followed by poor customer reviews, loss of clients, failure to land clients, and so on.  One […]