Online privacy is a hot topic of conversation topic in the digital age. With each advancement in technology, there’s a wave of hackers and data breaches to go along with it. It’s more important now than ever before to manage your online presence and keep your information safe. It can be difficult to know where to start when building a system of security online. These are just a few helpful tips to help you keep your data private online.

Update Your Devices and Applications
Keep up with security trends by making sure that all of your devices are up to date. Tech companies roll out updates to fix bugs and strengthen security against modern hacks, making updates your first line of internet defense. Application updates also help guard against hacks and bugs, but they may also reconfigure your privacy settings. Make sure you configure your privacy settings after each update.
Secure Your Smartphone
When updating smartphones and portable devices, make sure you turn off location data whenever possible however learn when it can help by enforcing a geo-fence for certain logins. Always set up a strong lock system, such as a multi-character password, on the lock screen of your devices. The longer the code, the stronger the security. Biometric login, such as the use of fingerprints or face ID, are more secure but carry their own risks as well. Look for apps that require authentication to the app itself (not just the phone pin). We also recommend you have a way to wipe or lock a device from use and replace it asap if it is lost or stolen.
Multi-Factor Authentication
You may feel much more secure when using two-factor authentication or even multi-factor authentication, but there are still risks to be aware of. The most common two-factor authentication method is through a text message with a login code sent to your phone. Text messages, or SMS, can be intercepted quite easily by hackers. This method was deprecated by NIST in 2015 so be aware of the current authentication standards.
Consider other methods of multi-factor authentication such as an email, external drive, or an application on your smart device. Applications like TraitWare’s two-factor passwordless authentication that provide codes for login access are much harder to access.
“Password Protect Everything” May Not Be Secure
In the field of internet security, you’ll often hear the phrase “password protect everything.” Lists of “dos and dont’s” will tell you to create long passwords, but not too long that you might forget them. Add plenty of symbols, but don’t make it predictable. Don’t use names of things that are important to you, such as the name of the city you grew up in or your pet. There are so many tips to remember when selecting a password that it can feel overwhelming to come up with a decent password. And then you have to make a new one for every site you access! Password managers can generate and save passwords for you, but what happens if you lose the master password to that account? It might be time to replace your passwords with a passwordless authentication system.
Replace Passwords with Passwordless Authentication
We’ve discussed the weakness of passwords before, but it can’t be stressed enough that passwords are the weakest link in internet security for both companies and individuals. Your security is only as strong as your weakest link, and there’s no time like the present to switch to a passwordless, secure login manager.
TraitWare’s application and login manager turns your phone into a safe, secure key. When logging into a website, a unique single-use QR code is generated and scanned using your smartphone. No more remembering lengthy passwords; you’ll save time and hassle with TraitWare login and boost your online security and privacy.
Online Privacy and Secure Login Managers
These are just a few of the best tips to keep your information secure and private online. Although methods such as updating privacy settings and adding multi-factor authentication can help keep your accounts secure, you’ll want to make sure that you strengthen the weakest link by working around weak passwords.