5 Tips for Better WordPress Login Security on Your Sign In Page
WordPress Login Security One common vulnerability among WordPress login security is the weakness of the login page. Brute force attacks and hacks often start with the weakest link; login credentials. Here are some tips to implement in your WordPress login page increasing security keeping cybercriminals at bay. 1. Change Your Login Page URL For instance […]

The end of the era of passwords
The father of computer passwords – Fernando Corbató – died on July 12 at the age of 93. Corbató pioneered the password for the computing world in the 1960s, working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He and other researchers at the university shared access to one of the first computers with the ability […]

Why Single Sign On (SSO) is good for Businesses.
What is Single Sign On? Single Sign On, shortened to SSO, is a method of authentication that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. A perfect example of SSO that you’ve no doubt used is Google’s Suite or Office 365. Once you log in, you will be automatically logged into […]

Passwordless Authentication – A Safeguard from Data Breaches
The Growing Threat of Data Breaches Technology advances at a breakneck pace, and much of that technology needs our personal information to function. Many devices and applications won’t allow you to use them unless you share your personal, identifying information first. In an age of information brokering, your personal data becomes worth more than gold. […]