How concerned Should You Be About Cloud Security Risks?
The State of Cloud Security survey conducted by Fugue Inc. has found that 84 percent of IT professionals are concerned about ensuring the security of cloud environments as a vast majority of companies are rapidly shifting to work-from-home as part of the measures taken to keep COVID-19 from spreading. These IT professionals are concerned that […]

How the Digital World is Building Data Privacy
Data Privacy while businesses increasingly depend on computer networks and electronic data to maintain their operations, bulks of personal and financial information are transferred and stored online. This makes users at risk of privacy violations. Meanwhile, businesses and organizations suffer enormous liabilities when data breaches occur. Hundreds of millions of online records are exposed every […]

How Biometric Authentication Improves User and Enterprise Security?
Biometric authentication is a method of digital identification and authentication through physical or behavioral human characteristics for access to systems, devices, or data. It is one of the methods that drive both two-factor authentication (2FA) and multifactor authentication (MFA). Biometrics is one of the technologies that are being adopted as more advanced methods to address increasing […]

5 Ways To Protect Your Company Against Hackers
How are you protecting your company? Most data breaches in the headlines involve big companies—Yahoo, Facebook, Equifax. However, while smaller companies are off the news radar, this does not mean that they are immune from malicious attacks. In fact, the risk is even higher as many small businesses may not have proper security measures and […]

How Data Privacy Protection Increases Business Value
For businesses, maintaining data privacy and protecting consumer information is very important for day-to-day operations. With many laws and regulations to protect data privacy, companies are expected to safeguard sensitive information effectively. However, despite these numerous data privacy legislation’s, consumers’ privacy is still regularly getting invaded or compromised by organizations. In this article, we will […]

Best Practices for Remote Work
Go Here for Covid-19 free offer We’re Glad You’re Here…to learn some best practices for remote work We’d love to share some best practices for remote work. Here at TraitWare, we understand that adapting to changing work habits can be challenging. Yet possibilities are opening at every corner to make this much easier and even […]

What is Password Spraying, and How to Avoid It?
In August last year, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), prompted by the advisory released by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), advised the American public to be watchful of their passwords with the threat of a new form of brute force attack known as password spraying, which targets businesses […]

How to Protect Your Company Against Phishing
With cyberattacks and security breaches increasing year by year, cybersecurity should be a top priority for businesses. Among the most prevalent cybersecurity issue is phishing, which is commonly executed by luring victims to click on fraudulent links and attachments to gather sensitive information. Phishing Facts and Statistics According to the FBI, from October 2013 and […]

Authentication Solutions for MFA Everything You Need to Know
Knowing about Authentication Solution when securing your online data, using passwords alone isn’t enough. Passwords are susceptible to attacks such as brute force, keylogger, and dictionary attacks. Even strong passwords cannot stand against hackers. Not to mention, most users have bad password hygiene. According to statistics, at least 80 percent of data breaches are caused […]

Is MultiFactor Authentication Good For Verification Purposes
With the IT environment getting more and more complicated, the traditional authentication method using only passwords is no longer secure. A study revealed that there are 8.2 million passwords stolen every day, meanwhile about 95 passwords stolen per second. Passwords have become our greatest weakness. Although we have relied on passwords for our security and […]

How Do Companies Manage Multi-Factor Authentication –
Are you interested in setting up a multi-factor authentication solution for your business? Multi-factor authentication is a security measure which requires users to use two or more methods of verification to access their user accounts. Aside from your typical login credentials such as username and password, the app or website will prompt you to perform […]

Is SSO Single Sign On Authentication Secure
Is SSO Authentication Secure? You may have heard a lot about SSO single sign on . SSO authentication enables users to authenticate multiple applications and websites by logging in only once, using one set of login credentials. Having an SSO service provider is very convenient as users will only need to remember one password. However, […]