Passwordless Authentication

The end of the era of passwords

The father of computer passwords – Fernando Corbató – died on July 12 at the age of 93. Corbató pioneered the password for the computing world in the 1960s, working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He and other researchers at the university shared access to one of the first computers with the ability […]

Multi-Factor Authentication and Your Smartphone

Can Your Mobile Phone Be Your Greatest Online Security Asset_ In the early days of the internet, all you needed to log into an account or website was a username and a short, simple password. Today, we know that passwords are not secure and can easily be spoofed, cracked, and stolen. With just your password, […]

A Guide to WordPress Login Security

WordPress Login Requirements_ With more than 33% of websites on the internet being managed through WordPress, it’s a wonder the website juggernaut hasn’t created a stronger, more reliable method for login security. To date, WordPress login systems are some of the weakest online right out of the box, and although they can be adjusted for […]