
Best Practices for Remote Work

Go Here for Covid-19 free offer We’re Glad You’re Here…to learn some best practices for remote work We’d love to share some best practices for remote work. Here at TraitWare, we understand that adapting to changing work habits can be challenging. Yet possibilities are opening at every corner to make this much easier and even […]

5 Common Cyber Security Attacks That Can Harm Your Business

Small businesses are prone to cyber security attacks. Although targeting big companies seems to have better pay-off, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with limited IT infrastructure are also very tempting for attackers.  According to a 2018 report, 58 percent of cyberattacks were targeted to SMBs with fewer than 250 employees. The worse thing is—hackers can […]

What is the Difference Between Passwordfree and Passwordless

Passwords are getting less and less popular nowadays. Some experts say the era of passwords is over. Aside from the fact that people find it hard to manage and remember their passwords, there is also the problem of security. In the current complex IT environment, passwords are no longer enough to protect our online data.  […]

How to Protect Your Company Against Phishing

With cyberattacks and security breaches increasing year by year, cybersecurity should be a top priority for businesses. Among the most prevalent cybersecurity issue is phishing, which is commonly executed by luring victims to click on fraudulent links and attachments to gather sensitive information.  Phishing Facts and Statistics  According to the FBI, from October 2013 and […]

Common Issues with Passwords as a means of Authentication

Though the creation of the passwords was originally intended to protect online data, in today’s IT environment, passwords are considered one of the weakest links in security. The era of passwords is about to end. In fact, most cyberattacks across the web stem from compromised passwords. It’s about time we acknowledge the major failings of […]

Do You Need WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress is the most popular CMS platform for users, but it is also one of the the most popular targets for hackers. That’s why website owners should take their WordPress security seriously. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need to be an IT expert to protect your site. A few plugin installations can solve most security problems. […]

What are the Pros and Cons of 2FA via SMS

Many websites and apps have started to offer two-factor authentication 2FA solutions for their logins. According to the 2018 Global Password Security Report, organizations which are using two-factor authentication (2FA) has risen from 24 percent in 2017 to 45 percent in 2018.  This is a very significant increase. However, most platforms only offer the most […]

Is MultiFactor Authentication Good For Verification Purposes

With the IT environment getting more and more complicated, the traditional authentication method using only passwords is no longer secure. A study revealed that there are 8.2 million passwords stolen every day, meanwhile about 95 passwords stolen per second. Passwords have become our greatest weakness. Although we have relied on passwords for our security and […]

3 Ways to Create Strong Passwords That You Can Remember

Every time a data breach happens, we mull over the susceptibility of the internet and consider changing our passwords. However, considering the time and mental energy needed to do a complete overhaul of all our account logins, at the end of the day, we still use our favorite passwords and tell ourselves “I won’t be […]

How SSO Service Provider Can Help Password Security Issues

When we hear about login security options, there is no way single sign-on won’t be mentioned. SSO service providers improve security and user experience by managing access to multiple related but independent software systems. It is accomplished by storing login credentials on a separate database. On the user’s next login, the database will intercept the […]

What Can You Do About Computer Hackers

Anyone who has access to the internet is at risk to hackers. Your business especially, is easy prey in the eyes of attackers. Hackers are unauthorized users who break into computer systems to access information. While some hackers are motivated by curiosity or do it for the sheer thrill of bypassing large security systems, most […]

Setting Up Two Factor Authentication for Your Website

We hear about Multi-factor authentication (MFA) everywhere. Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Apple, Yahoo—all the big guys have it. Two-factor authentication solutions are an easy layer of protection that can be added immediately to improve your organization’s security structure. It is quickly joining firewalls, anti-virus, and anti-spam as the baseline security measures all businesses need to […]