Tips for Better Online Security

Internet Security: A Growing Problem Online security breaches have been a problem since the dawn of the internet. Actually, data breaches and hacks have been steadily getting worse and worse. Each year, billions of breaches occur across the web, and experts suggest that this number will simply continue to increase with time.  This means you’re […]

How To Strengthen WordPress Security By Managing Users

WordPress Users and Security As businesses grow, the number of people required to get the job done grows too. The more users your WordPress website has, however, the higher the security risk. Managing your WordPress users to maintain security can be complicated as your business grows, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these tips […]

Secure Login for WordPress: New Features Include Site Users

With Streamlined On-boarding and User Management, traitware Positioned to Secure the #1 CMS WordPress

Reused Passwords lead to data breaches.

Phishing attacks continue to be a mainstream enterprise for credential grabbing ( passwords ). The attackers continue to evolve their methods