Common Mobile Security Threats

Online mobile security is a growing problem. As technology advances, so too do the hacking and scamming techniques used by cybercriminals. Many people believe that this threat exists only on their computers, however mobile phones are just as at risk. Like any computer, your cellphone can be hacked or used against you in the case […]

Tips for Better Online Security

Internet Security: A Growing Problem Online security breaches have been a problem since the dawn of the internet. Actually, data breaches and hacks have been steadily getting worse and worse. Each year, billions of breaches occur across the web, and experts suggest that this number will simply continue to increase with time.  This means you’re […]

How To Strengthen WordPress Security By Managing Users

WordPress Users and Security As businesses grow, the number of people required to get the job done grows too. The more users your WordPress website has, however, the higher the security risk. Managing your WordPress users to maintain security can be complicated as your business grows, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these tips […]

Multi-Factor Authentication and Your Smartphone

Can Your Mobile Phone Be Your Greatest Online Security Asset_ In the early days of the internet, all you needed to log into an account or website was a username and a short, simple password. Today, we know that passwords are not secure and can easily be spoofed, cracked, and stolen. With just your password, […]

Passwords: The Internet’s Biggest Liability

Say Goodbye to Lost, Stolen, and Forgotten Passwords with Passwordless Authentication Data breaches seem to happen more often these days, and each time they happen on a larger and larger scale. The biggest data breaches have compromised the personal information of millions of people around the world, and all of those breaches included passwords. With […]

How to keep your Identity Safe on a Smartphone

Mobile Security and Threats In our technological modern day, no one would be caught dead without their mobile device. These portable, easy-to-use computers go wherever we go. Around 17 billion people have smartphones, and nearly 80% of online searches are done on a mobile device. Cell phones have made life and work easier for many […]

Passwordless Authentication – A Safeguard from Data Breaches

The Growing Threat of Data Breaches Technology advances at a breakneck pace, and much of that technology needs our personal information to function. Many devices and applications won’t allow you to use them unless you share your personal, identifying information first. In an age of information brokering, your personal data becomes worth more than gold. […]

Can Multi-Factor Authentication Protect Your Company

As technology advances, so too do security measures to keep online information safe. Longer passwords, CAPTCHAs, PINs, and even biometrics have been used to secure user information. All to keep bots and hackers at bay. Multi-factor authentication (2FA) systems have become the go-to solution for strengthening employee login. Are they the right security solution for […]

How to Reclaim Your Online Privacy with A Secure Login Manager

Online privacy is a hot topic of conversation topic in the digital age. With each advancement in technology, there’s a wave of hackers and data breaches to go along with it. It’s more important now than ever before to manage your online presence and keep your information safe. It can be difficult to know where […]

How Password-less Login Systems Can Strengthen Your Security

People post all sorts of pieces of their lives online, from photos to personal details and thoughts. Your name, address, phone number, SSN, photo, date of birth, even your voice… they’re all available on the web if you know how to gain access to them. It seems easier now more than ever to hack into […]