Passwordless Authentication

You can’t have Security without Privacy

Privacy vs. Security. Can you have both? While there’s a difference, we think the two belong together – especially when it comes to Identity. While data security has become increasingly important for companies of all sizes – with the risk and severity of cyberattack steadily rising – regulations like GDPR, CCPA mean companies are also having […]

LastPass Says No Passwords Compromised in Security Scare …

But you should ditch that master password anyway. And it’s easier than you may think. Last week Tuesday, another security scare hit cyberspace and password manager LastPass. The scare points, once again, to the fact that passwords are risky. Several users reported receiving email alerts from LastPass, warning that unauthorized attempts had been made to […]

Face Verification: How It Optimizes Passwordless MFA?

How do you secure identity and transactions—especially business, financial, government transactions—in a world that is becoming more and more digital and hyperconnected? It’s time to move on from old and increasingly vulnerable authentication methods, like ID cards and the username-and-password combo, to newer methods that pose a tougher challenge for cybercriminals to get past.   Today’s […]

Let’s Discuss Account Takeover, or “ATO”. 

What can we do to better protect ourselves and our companies from account takeover?  Most of us today still believe we are “too small a fish” to have one of our digital accounts taken over. We think to ourselves that no one wants to read my email or post from my Twitter account or comment […]


Password Hacking or Cracking has evolved over the years, with instances of serious credential-based attacks topping headlines daily. Why? It’s become frighteningly easy for cybercriminals to get your password. Several high-profile attacks in recent news (SolarWinds, The US Pipeline … and so on) sparked an executive order from the White House calling for improved cybersecurity […]


Schools are top targets for Cybercrime. It’s time to get educated and educate about the risks, and how to implement a Zero Trust framework for security. With students of all ages still in the early days of their academic year, cybersecurity experts issue stern warnings about cybercrime in schools.  With the increased use of technology […]

What is Real Passwordless MFA?

What is Real Passwordless MFA and Why is it Essential for Enterprise Security? In light of the sharp rise in cyber attacks worldwide – from ransomware to phishing scams to man-in-the-middle attacks – we’ve been told by the likes of Microsoft, countless cybersecurity experts, and even the President of the United States, that it’s time […]

A Paradigm Shift in IAM – The Move to Zero Trust Access

A person's identity is the first pillar in a Zero Trust framework. Achieving True Zero Trust Access requires having MFA inherent upon account creation.

The Best Practices for User Provisioning and De-provisioning

  User provisioning is a standard component of onboarding and involves creating user accounts for a newly hired employee. It entails access to IT resources (including the directory) and to systems, networks, and applications that are vital to the employee’s performance of their job. The usual IT resources provided to a new employee include the […]

ZeroTrust and work from Mars, By Chris Werpy, COO, PlanetOne

As our Planet made the shift to work from wherever, remote access exploded in numbers and speed, with capacity taking the lead.  Looking ahead, it’s time to determine how to not only keep the lights on, but to drive increased productivity without compromising security. Is the environment we work in today designed for the future, […]

Make MFA Adoption Easier for Everyone in Your Organization

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a must for enterprises to ensure data security in the face of both new attacks and persistent older ones that are constantly being fine-tuned by cybercriminals. It offers multiple layers of security to your login processes through multiple means of authentication.  However, while MFA is intended to thwart cybercriminals attempting to […]

Customer Experience Improved by Passwordless Authentication

How do you attract and retain customers in an age when customer experience that spans multiple touchpoints has become the rule rather than the extraordinary exception? The technological advances over the last decade have been nothing short of breathtaking. The links that have been made possible, the virtual connections, experiences, and transactions that are now […]